Why would you make these changes or keep the current system?
The three "legs" of Kansas income are Property Taxes, Sales Taxes, and Income Taxes, so we must look at all 3, not 2.
Property Taxes are tied to mill levies and appraisal values. Schools, counties, Cities, townships have mill levies that have a "cap' on their increases, This creates an artificial bottleneck on revenue. Unelected County appraisers have continued to increase values based on their computer generated values. These values have increased at rates of 20 to 50% in the last 3 years in many counties, this is above the rate of inflation in the state. This is increase in taxes is causing the Kansas Farmer, Business person, and Kansas Families a financial burden that is not acceptable.
Sales Tax - We are not taxing fairly the possible sales in Kansas. We have to many special interest exceptions, that are getting advantages that could be going to lower income citizens. Lets tax fairly and then end the sales tax on groceries and we will have a better plan for Kansas Families.
Income Taxes - We tax people, places and things that create income. This is a brake on individual freedom and Entrepreneurship. There are states that have no income tax, we should not penalize people's incentive to work. The less income tax, the better. If we are going to have an income tax, lets make it easy enough for a 6th graders to do. Your federal tax is so much, your state tax is a percentage of our federal tax. done. Sorry no itemized deductions, no credits, no bird check offs.