School funding K-12 make up over 60% of our State budget, yet not enough gets into the classroom. I believe we need to reduce regulations on our state school finance, give the local school boards the authority to use the funding as they best see fit, then hold them accountable.for quality education
I realize the local school is the lifeblood of the community, consolidation of small school districts is NOT MY PLAN. We must continue to work together to improve our schools
-Support the Kansas Can Educational program of Dr. Randy Watson. Individual Student Education Plans
-Support Family involved schools
-Support project based learning
-Support Individual Student Education plans where a student transitions with parent support from school to career without barriers limited by college credit requirements.
-Supports that the share of local taxes paid to the state be returned to local schools and government to have local control of schools.
-Support Local School Board to decide who gets hired, how much teachers are paid, fringe benefits, the number of days to be worked, schedules
-Support local school districts to make decisions on curriculum and facilities
- Many School bonds are 80-90% financed by State funding, Local School Districts should fund these projects so they are not State controlled
-In Kansas, taxpayers are forced to fund the education lawsuits that sue themselves (the taxpayers) for more education money. Taxpayers are also forced to pay ALL the legal fees and attorney fees, both for the State AND the education lobby!
- Local School Board should have the decision on how much is spent on bussing students, This Federal Law is out of date.
- Local School Boards should have the decision who and how many administrators are sent to athletic events.
- Local School Boards should be able to decide if they want to participate in Federal Lunch programs
- Free and Reduced Lunch student numbers should not be used for Scholastic evaluations and comparisons
- Education funds should not be used to hire more counselors for social behavior problems, funding should be given to Mental Health Centers to work with the Students and Families. Educators should Education, Social Mental Health work should be done by Mental Health professionals.